The Story of KARP from NEUfrau
Fermentation is an ancient way of preparing food. Food produced by fermentation is called living food. Animals use this technique unknowingly to hide food in the earth. Whether man has learned a skill from life, or whether it has followed man during its evolutionary history, remains forever unexplained. , man has lost a lot of his instinctive functions.
Lactic acid bacterial fermentation converts carbohydrates into lactic acid, breaks down fat into fatty acids and protein amino acids, making it better for the animal to utilize.
The wolf only became domesticated as a dog about 12,000 years ago which is a short time in evolution.The wolf's diet contains infinitely few carbohydrates.The change that occurs when a wild animal becomes domesticated is called domestication.It also transforms the genetic inheritance (compare the birth of the silver fox) .The gene group involved in carbohydrate metabolism means transformed. ett ä A dog is better able to utilize carbohydrates than a wolf, but does not mean that it is a porridge eater.
A wolf receives a daily lactic acid supplement from the intestine of a prey animal and almost invariably these prey animals are herbivores. Where does a dog get it? Often a dog seeks to make up for this deficiency by eating grass, bunny papanas, and horse manure, among other things.
Urban dogs suffer from a variety of allergies. Dogs eat a lot of antibiotics in vain, as well as diet foods, and often make the situation worse. In general, the level of knowledge about the gut is at a poor level. Man knows the cosmos better than the gut.
Healthy gut, about 1,200 of the bacterial species are named after about 20 percent that can be cultured in the laboratory. The role of others is unknown. However, it is known that the flora of a healthy gut consists of the sum of bacteria in equilibrium. Bacteria themselves are able to modify their inheritance. The wrong kind of food often feeds the wrong bacteria, distorting the intestinal flora. The gut is governed by the same laws of Darwin as the stump, those who adapt, they thrive, and others suffer defeat. Good bacteria disappear. As a result, the intestinal mucosa suffers, the intestinal lint suffers, and the cell spaces in the intestinal wall become loose. When good bacteria are not digesting nutrients, they enter the bloodstream from the leaking gut. In this case, they change their “last name,” which is when they start to be called allergens. This causes Th2 inflammation of the immune system, a low-grade chronic inflammation that soon causes tissue damage in some organs; in the eyes, skin, lungs, pancreas, liver ... Effective treatment is a change of diet and healing of the intestinal flora.
In addition to pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics also kill good bacteria, but not yeast and mold. Three weeks after a course of antibiotics, the yeast usually rushes to the surface.
Carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the body and this is where the yeast lives. When there are no carbohydrates, no sugars are formed and the yeast dies of starvation. Fermentation converts carbohydrate to lactic acid. This lowers the pH of the intestine and uninvited microbes are very pH sensitive. MHB-KARP's multi-spectrum spice blend kills yeast and mold. Spices are used for preservation, female yeast repellents are based on extracts of some spices. It is a known fact that spices, yeast and mold do not thrive together. The lactic acid bacteria contained in MHB-KARP take over the growth space, the intestinal flora is repaired, the intestinal mucosa is repaired, the cell spaces in the intestinal wall solidify, the intestine stops bleeding, which reduces chronic inflammation and tissue damage. This is how MHB-KARP works.
The functioning of the immune system is based on a healthy intestinal flora. Bacteria regulate the immune system. If the flora is not in order, the immune system overreacts to allergens and atopy develops, as does the ham mask due to warping of the intestinal flora, ear infections ... There are numerous diseases behind the immune response disorder.
In addition to prevention and KARP treatment, “Rasilainen” garlic sauerkraut. 36 different species of lactic acid bacteria are involved in the preparation of sauerkraut. Many commercial lactic acid bacteria preparations pale in front of that spectrum. In addition, cabbage fibers have a property: toxins stick to them and are eliminated from the body. A good addition to your diet, as well as externally, is PvP vinegar . Loraus for food or for cleaning wounds, cleaning yeast paws or ears ... There are countless uses, and best of all, this can be enjoyed by both the owner and the animal.
Lactic acid bacteria are frozen in a so-called inactive state. Just as they are on the side of the grass under the snow. Defrosting should take place at refrigerator temperature. Lactic acid bacteria can withstand very low pH. The pH of the stomach is 1-3 and they swim through it mumbling to each other. But they are very heat sensitive. If thawing occurs too quickly, they may die from heat shock and the food loses its relevance to live food. After thawing, the product is left unopened at room temperature, whereupon lactic acid bacterial fermentation takes place. Usually a day is enough. Some people consider the fermentation time to be longer, up to 4 days.
Once opened, it is advisable to put it back in the refrigerator. The product quickly turns gray on its surface, in as little as 2-3 hours. It is the surface yeast that forms on it. Surface yeast is not toxic, but you should still put it in the refrigerator. Surface yeast “protects” the product from other microbes.
Mhb fermentation produces carbon dioxide, which puts pressure on the product and makes it tense. It is advisable to approach the product from the side with a knife.
No liquid should be added to the food ration. It is not a good idea to let your dog drink for ½ hours before or after a meal. The pH of the stomach is 1-3neutralized with water at a pH of about 7.3-8, so much so that the cells have to produce more, more, more hydrochloric acid and this results in belching and reflux.
KARP foods can be fed throughout the dog life or after the dog has recovered, seek out its carbohydrate tolerance. KARP can also be administered prophylactically. Current experience shows that three times a week KARP keeps the flora in good condition.
If the schedule fits, the dog should be fed twice a day and always in order: run, trick, eating, rest. The link marks the dog in search of prey, it does not admire the scenery. The trick marks the predatory situation. The tempo is chosen by you; sit, on the ground, follow, on the spot ... And if you follow the pieces of nature when they have a “cotton wool pinch,” the eyelid will start to hang and they will fail; man is the only animal that goes from meal to full stomach to work ...