52/2022 Newsletter - We have received so much this year! - Okidogi.store

52/2022 Newsletter - We have received so much this year!

Lovely tails wagging and extended petting, lots of cuddles and kisses

The joy of our days @ Okidogi.store are these countless sweet, pawed customers who sniffs their way to our door by themselves - and, as a “rule”, directly to the treat boxes ♡

It is almost New Year's eve, and our little furry family members may be scared of bangs and crackles, and seek secure under our armpits, or under the bed, for example. However, you surely want to celebrate the New Year´s eve together.

Here are some tips from Rosco for a peaceful change of the year:

  • Your own home and his/her own bed are best places for the evening. Or at least I hope you will be where your furry friend is.
  • Go evening walk before dark, so all the sudden noises aren't so scary.
  • The ongoing background noise from the radio or TV covers up the surprising and irregular bangs. I prefer relaxing while listening to music with my human.
  • Extra cuddles are welcome 😊 I'm sure you'll get a couple of kisses too from your furry friend(s) 😊
  • Most important thing is your company, the snacks are delicious too ;)

With these tips, let´s start preparing our great evening together!

We want to thank you, our dear customers, for the past year, and wish you a happy and joyful 2023!

- Rosco & Familia Okidogi ♡