50/2022 Newsletter - It´s raining cats and dogs! - Okidogi.store

50/2022 Newsletter - It´s raining cats and dogs!

"It´s raining cats and dogs"

It´s raining and you need to take your dog out. Don´t worry!

Do dogs like the rain?

Some dogs do love the rain, splashing around and gettin wet, or not going out because of the "drizzled" rain is like one day without treats or without his favorite toy.

Some dogs want to avoid the rain & cold and even skip the daily walk. Thinking about wet coat and paws is like the nightmare.

Either way, it is important make sure that your friend can enjoy with his activities even when "It´s raining cats and dogs". There´s no bad weather, just bad clothing.

Check our Clothing for dogs

@Okidogi.store we have carefully, and with love selected selection of high quality and naturally made food for pets, of which we want to tell you about!

This week we will proudly present Kit Cat, brand for cats.Kit Cat has a large variety of high quality foods and products, made with natural and healthy ingredients.

Kit Cat has been  the winner for the second consecutive year of the 'Brand of the Year' award at the World Branding Awards Animalis Edition. 

Take a look for Kit Cat Brand

With love, Okidogi Family ♡